AnnArborAlive Projects
-- ANN ARBOR PUBLIC SCHOOLS INTERNET RADIO: Already in pilot, each school would have their own student run radio station, broadcasting pre-recorded music, talk and music shows by faculty and students, and live broadcasts of any school event within range of the internet.
-- OPEN GOVERNMENT: Already in pilot, all government meetings would be live broadcast and podcast. Meetings would include input from internet listeners and 'consensus' voting. Online forums covering all aspects of government and live townhall meetings.
-- COMMUNITY TENT: Broadcasting live from the local farmers markets local bands, politicians, community activists, storytellers, dancers of all types!
-- LIVE ENTERTAINMENT: Live broadcasts from local venues including our own! The Ark, Kerrytown Concert Hall, Liberty Plaza, and more!
-- ANN ARBOR HANDS ON MUSEUM: A project to put internet technology in the hands of local school kids. -- COMMUNITY VENUES: A series of affordable small venues scattered throughout the area to accommadate local budding artists, birthday parties, recitals and the like. Our first, a 50 seat venue in conjunction with Oz's Music, is called The Environment.
And Hopefully....
AnnArborAlive News Wiki: A community-contributed online news center